Title: Professor and Director of Teaching and Learning
Location: Nova Southeastern University Assaf College of Nursing
SSH Affiliation: IMSH 2024 Planning Co-Chair
How long have you been involved with SSH, and what roles have you had in addition to IMSH 2024 Planning Co-Chair?
I have been involved in SSH since 2010. I have served on the Healthcare Simulation Dictionary Committee, CHSE Committee, multiple IMSH education content Chair and reviewer, CHSE-A Committee and reviewer, CHSOS-A reviewer, co-founder of the SSH and INACSL Regional Workshops with Chad Epps, and task force committees.
Why is SSH important to you professionally and/or personally?
SSH provides me with the opportunity to meet and collaborate with my interprofessional simulation colleagues. This allows me to view issues and concepts from multiple perspectives, allowing me to take a more holistic approach to addressing healthcare simulation solutions. When I attend IMSH, I am with my tribe, where I belong. I do not have to explain what or why I do healthcare simulation. I can start the conversation by taking simulation to the next level and solving problems. This is where I feed my professional spirit and recharge.
Your continued support in 2024 is deeply appreciated. Why do you choose to support the SSH Fund?
Simulation can make a huge difference in healthcare safety and patient outcomes. My goal is to give back to healthcare simulation and advance the integration and adoption of clinical simulation. We do not know where the technology associated with simulation and AI will be in 3-5 years, but simulationists should be involved in molding and creating this future. Therefore, I should invest in the future of healthcare simulation.
What plans do you have for next year once you’re finished with IMSH 2025?
After IMSH 2025, I plan on continuing collaborations and conversations initiated at the conference and to incorporate information gained into my healthcare simulation work. I will take a week to reflect on what information was gained and develop my strategy to implement new ideas. I will enjoy and embrace my recharged battery to continue until the next simulation conference.